10 Tips to Help Get Through Menopause

best tips for menopause

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  1. Start a journal

Starting a menopause journal is a great way of documenting your journey through menopause. This can help you keep track of your physical and mental health and help you understand which symptoms affect you and what treatment methods you have found work best for you.

  1. Listen to your body

Women are trained to pay attention to others before themselves so it can be difficult to really take the time to listen to your body and what it is going through. However, this is essential if you want to improve your menopausal experience and support your body in the process.

  1. Increase your nutrient intake

Nutrients are very important to women’s health in general and can be particularly useful during menopause. Vitamins and minerals such as vitamin E, are specifically recommended during this time as they support women’s reproductive organs. Taking the time to learn about nutrients and how to add them to your diet will help improve your health.

  1. Watch your diet

Changing your diet is a proven way to support your whole body as well as its hormonal balance. This can be done by researching what foods can benefit the parts of your body needing increased support during menopause as well as taking into account the processed foods that can make the experience more agonizing.

  1. Take some herbs

The healing power of herbs have always played an important role in women’s healthcare and you may find them especially beneficial during menopause. Black cohosh and dong quai are famous for aiding hormonal balance whilst chamomile can act as a natural calming substance.

  1. Do some exercise

Working out is a great way to help support your body and mind. You can start with more mindful forms of exercise such as yoga and progress to high energy sports such as running and boxing. Weight-lifting is also a great sport for women as it supports bones.

  1. Manage stress

Stressful situations can easily throw you off and cause negative symptoms such as hot flashes. This is why managing this emotion is crucial during menopause. Try out different types of stress relieving exercises such as meditation in order to find what works best for you.

  1. Try hormone replacement therapy

Losing hormonal balance is at the root of menopausal symptoms. If you feel unable to deal with these changes, hormonal therapy may be able to help by replenishing the missing hormones.

  1. Don’t make excuses

You may find that changing your lifestyle is too difficult to do because you lack the time or energy. This may be true but it may also be true that you are too afraid to try. Instead of making excuses, start by making one small change and see how your perspective shifts.

  1. Talk to your Doctor

When you’re going through menopause, you should definitely find a good doctor to go through. They can help you learn ways to manage and improve your side effects to make menopause symptoms as mild as they can be. They can also help you discuss changes to your diet and ways to manage your hormones so you can continue living your best life.

Menopause can be a very difficult experience so try not to blame yourself if you find it difficult to deal with. Be kind to yourself instead and understand that there is no right or wrong way forward, just your best.