I Want My Husband to Not Wash His Dishes and Leave His Clothes Out

I Want my Husband to not Wash his Dishes and Leave His Clothes Out

I always said it would be a cold day in hell before my husband learned how to put away his stuff and clean up after himself. And sure enough, it’s cold out, and I’m in hell. But he still didn’t learn how to do those things. Seems he’ll never get the chance, either. We just […]

How Much Does a Tummy Tuck Cost?

What is the cost of a tummy tuck/

Many moms don’t realize how much their body will change once they have had their baby. While the body changes are obvious during pregnancy, the postpartum recovery differs extensively between women. Some mom’s pop straight back into shape, and others will find that they never get back to their pre-baby body. Accepting your new body […]

Benefits of Dog Harnesses Versus Dog Collars

Benefits of Dog wearing Harness and Dog Wearing Collar

Many dog owners and trainers are yet to come to terms on which leashing technique to employ for their dogs, collars or harnesses. Although the harness has seen increased popularity of late, this is because many dog owners prefer to use it. However the most important question to ask is which is most appropriate for […]

The Different Types of Treats for Dogs

Dog surrounded by different dog treats

Dog treats are an important way of showing your dog that you loves him or her. However, if you are giving your dog treats that aren’t healthy, you may not be showing your love in the best possible way. Whether you give the treat “just because” or for the purpose of training, it is important […]

Tips for Training German Shepherds

Tips for Training German Shepards

With German shepherd’s tall body and good-looks and determined personality, it has become somewhat of a canine superstar. From the big screen to big police cars, German shepherds have been leading the way. German shepherds are known to be fearless and knowing your German shepherd’s potential is quite overwhelming at first, but these easy steps […]