Progress, Not Perfection: Getting Organized Can Set You Free

Progress, Not Perfection: Getting Organized Can Set You Free

Let me tell you, as a former “messy” type, I was stressed. Not finding things, working myself into an absolute tirade over lost keys (yet again), accusing my poor unsuspecting husband of moving lost items . . . it was not pretty. For me, it didn’t work. I had too much stuff. When I started to […]

Are You Going Through Life on Autopilot?

Are You Going Through Life on Autopilot?

I feel strongly that many people go through life living unconsciously, wandering around like zombies . . . sleep, wake, eat, work, eat, work, eat . . . repeat. What would life be like if we stopped for a moment and asked ourselves, “Am I living the life I want?” It’s a dangerous question! Why? […]

23 Golden Rules of Life

23 Golden Rules of Life

There are some universal rules that everyone should know. They will help lift you up, find your authentic self, and live your best life on your terms. Check out these 23 golden rules of life before to find inspiration for yourself.  Set your own terms. This is your life. Don’t waste it playing by someone […]

Simplify Your Wardrobe

Simplify Your Wardrobe

A girl’s best friend are diamonds, shoes, and shopping, right? These things make us feel good, right? Unfortunately, oftentimes, we don’t shop for what we need, we shop for what feels good in the moment. I know that myself and many of my friends have (or had) closets filled with clothes we don’t wear anymore […]