Brain Damaging Habits You Should Avoid

Brain Damaging Habits You Should Avoid

Worried about your brain? A lot of us are. We often struggle with fogginess or memory retention at some point in our lives. Sometimes, the things that are making it difficult to think are our bad health habits. Your brain is a part of your body, which means that your overall health and habits can […]

8 Ways to Simplify Your Life for Better Peace of Mind

8 Ways to Simplify Your Life for Better Peace of Mind

There’s been lots of talk lately about editing things out of your life. This could not have come at a more interesting time. For the last three months, I have been in a “simplifying” mode. Personally, I prefer to think of it as simplifying my life over editing. Editing seems to have a negative and […]

How to Make Sure Things Get Done

How to Make Sure Things Get Done

I used to think some really weird things about what it means to be “organized.” I’m a person (like many) who had to learn the skill of organization and I keep on learning it everyday. I envied people who could remember to bring things with them in the morning, or be able to find their […]