9 International Easter Bread Recipes

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Hot cross buns aren’t the only type of traditional Easter bread. As an international holiday, Easter has a great variety of foods and customs unique to each region of the world. There are so many delicious kinds of Easter breads, for instance, that you could try a different recipe each year and never run out of new options! For starters, here are nine traditional Easter bread recipes that are worth trying.

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The Best International Easter Bread Recipes You Outta Try

Section One: Easter Breads Decorated with Colored Eggs

1. Italian Bread with Golden Eggs


Italian Easter Bread
via theitaliandishblog.com

2. Tsoureki

Greek bread with deep red eggs


Tsoureki (Greek Easter Bread)
via marthastewart.com

Section Two: Eastern European Easter breads

3. Paska

Ukrainian bread with lots of eggs, citrus zest and juice.


Paska – Ukrainian Easter Bread
via celebrationgeneration.com

4. Pinca

Croatian bread with citrus zest, some raisins and rum.


Pinca: Croatian Easter bread
via thehungariangirl.com

5. Kulich

Russian bread with lots of dried fruit and rum.


Kulich - Russian Easter Bread
via Mushitza

Section Three: Sweet Italian Easter breads

6. Gubana

Bread filled with nuts, liquor, dried fruit and apricot jam.


Gubana: Sweet Italian Easter Bread
via citrusandcandy.com

7. Tuscan Schiacciata

Bread with aniseed, liquor and olive oil.


Tuscan Schiacciata, sweet Easter bread
via en.julskitchen.com

Section Four: Germanic Easter breads

8. Paasstol

Dutch bread with dried fruit and almond paste.


Dutch Paasbrood Dutch Easter Bread
via simply-delicious.co.za

9. Osterschinken

German bread wrapped around a slab of ham.


German Easter Ham in Bread Blanket
via Doberman’s by the Sea

Have you tried any of these international Easter bread recipes before? Or is this something new you’ll be trying along with perhaps some of these creative Easter egg decorating ideas? Let me know in the comments below!