Secrets to Conversion Rate Optimization

Secrets to Conversion Rate Optimization

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Before launching a marketing campaign, you should always have a goal in mind. Then all your efforts should be toward accomplishing that one goal.

In my world of marketing, that goal has been to optimize your conversion rate! In any way possible. I want to see the conversion rate on my campaigns go higher and higher.

Gaining more conversions is possible through optimizing every step within your campaign. Once you have a nice piece of content, you’ll want to promote it through ads and convert it through landing pages. Therefore, I’ve outlined a few tips to help get better conversion rates starting with targeting and ending with a CTA on a landing page.

You first start your campaign by:

1. Getting Specific with Your Targeting:

Evaluate your audiences for your social media campaigns. Who are you targeting? How can you specify your target market?

You can create a campaign that targets 20 million users and has thousands of clicks with only a few conversions because you’re going too broad. You can market to a very large audience for brand awareness, but you need to be more specific to find the customers who will actually need your product.

2. Facebook/Twitter Targeting:

For Facebook, the best targeting comes from creating a website pixel through Facebook/Twitter and attaching that pixel to the header of your website.

In addition to the website pixel, gather the emails of all your potential customers that you’ve gathered through trade shows etc., and use them to create a custom audience. Facebook/Twitter will give you an estimated number of all the emails that are attached to social media accounts and then you’re golden. You now have a list of people to run ads to who have previously expressed an interest in your product or service.

3. LinkedIn Targeting:

Unfortunately, you are unable to generate a remarketing pixel on LinkedIn to run remarketing campaigns. LinkedIn, however, offers super-targeted campaigns to reach very specific audiences. For the B2B world, LinkedIn is where the magic happens. You still have to be cautious because even if you are a B2B company, the business you target may still not be active LinkedIn users. Your ads will be wasting their budget and hitting nothing but air.

4. Focus on What You’re Offering:

I’ve been tempted to create the best clickbait ad around, but that’s detrimental to my conversion goals. The focus here isn’t to drive clicks, but instead to drive conversions. Your ads need to focus on the specific offer that you’re giving potential customers. Studies show that when it comes to clicking on banner ads, 57% of web users are afraid of receiving spam from advertisers, so you need to make the offer worth their time. Make your ad copy the exact benefit that you’re going to offer, because customers who expect one thing from the ad but don’t get it, won’t convert.

5. Match Your Landing Pages & Ads:

To complete your goal of conversion rate optimization, you need to have a well-created landing page. The landing page should always match the offer that your ad is portraying. I just watched an Unbounce webinar with SproutSocial where they gave an example of an ad offering a product discount, then had the ad link to the business’ home page!

Not only did the home page not reflect what the ad offered, but the area to purchase the discounted product was surrounded by many other links to different pages. Your conversion goals will be tremendously low if you don’t have a designated landing page that contains a similar copy matching the advertisement.

Ultimately, to increase your conversions you need to target a specific audience, create engaging ad copy, and then make a landing page matching the offer on your ad. You can have thousands of clicks or views on your landing page, but if your final goal is to turn those clicks into conversions, then follow these simple tips.

Much success,

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