Why You Should Choose Onsite Blogging Over Offsite Blogging

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Onsite BloggingWhen it comes to your company’s blog, you could choose to have it hosted on your business website or on a completely different site altogether. There are a number of advantages to onsite blogging, a few of which are listed below.

1. Seen More Often

Onsite blogs tend to be seen more often by visitors, as they boost your search engine rankings considerably. The reason is because an onsite blog is easy to get to from your home page, thereby making it more likely that someone will click on it and find your information. This is especially true if one of your posts suddenly goes viral, as readers will already be on your site, and will not have to click a separate link to get to it.

2. Boosts Search Engine Rankings

When you add fresh content to your blog on a regular basis, you boost search engine rankings considerably. As such, an onsite blog is more likely to draw traffic into your website and help you attract new visitors that will eventually become customers.

3. Increases Time Spent on your Website

The longer someone spends viewing your website, the more likely he or she is to purchase goods or services from you. An onsite blog encourages people to stay on your website in order to read more information, thereby making it less likely that they will look elsewhere for what they need.

4. Provides Continuity

An onsite blog provides continuity that will help establish your brand, since the formatting, text and layout of it are likely to be the same as your website. This can help establish your brand as authentic, and also makes it more likely your customers will remember you.

As you can see, there are numerous advantages to choosing onsite blogging vs offsite blogging.

Much success,

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