18 Tips to Make Your Marriage Successful

18 Tips to Make your Marriage Successful

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We could all use reminders every now and then about the cute and simple things we can do as partners to make our marriage successful. If you feel like your marriage is dragging or on auto pilot these days, then let this list be a refresher for you of some of the things you can do to make your marriage more successful.

18 Tips to Make Your Marriage More Successful

  1. Trust each other. Without trust, you have nothing.
  2. Help each other. There are numerous ways to divided up the work in a marriage, but both partners should agree on it. If one person feels that they are carrying the heavier load and not being supported, that is something you should work on.
  3. Don’t forget about intimacy. Everyone wants to feel loved. Try to remember how you felt when you couldn’t keep our hadn’t off of each other. Remember those things that make your spouse feel loved.
  4. Laugh together. Get out and do something fun together that will make you laugh. Laughter is the best medicine after all.
  5. Take some time away from the kids. Sometimes our marriage takes the back seat when we have kids. If you feel like this is you, take some times away from the kids. Whether it’s a week vacations, a weekend getaway, or just a couple more dates nights alone.
  6. Respect your partner, support them, and never laugh at their dreams. Without dreams, we don’t have much.
  7. Leave the past in the past. If you’re not able to leave the past in the past and keep bringing up things that happened years ago, then it’s probably a sign of more serious issues and a lack of trust.
  8. Never talk badly about your spouse with a member of the opposite sex. This is one of the number one ways that affairs happen.
  9. Only fight productively, not abusively. Fighting isn’t always bad, and some people believe that fighting is actually a sign of a good marriage with open communication. However, if you’re fighting is more abusive and not productive, then you’ve crossed the line.
  10. Don’t let your spouse come and go without reminding them that you love them and will miss them.
  11. Always ask your spouse about their day. Laugh with them about the funny things and support them in the difficult things.
  12. Do not compare your marriage or your spouse to anyone else. Your marriage is your own marriage and comparison will only bring disappointment.
  13. Surprise your spouse with something new. Is there that one thing that you’ve always talked about doing, but haven’t yet? This could be a great thing to surprise your spouse with.
  14. Be open to discussing your problems and worries with your spouse. Be willing to listen when your spouse discusses problems and worries with you.
  15. Show appreciation and thanks to your spouse for the things that they do. You should always show your gratitude for what your spouse does even if it’s as simple as doing the laundry or going to work every day.
  16. Work each day to understand each other better. There’s always more we can learn about our spouse. Don’t ever stop learning about them.
  17. Give them your full attention when you’re speaking together. Put down the phone and turn off the TV and have a meaningful conversation.
  18. Eat dinner together. You might not have time to get together during breakfast or lunch, but you should always try to make time to have dinner together.

What’s something else you would add to this list? Share with us in the comments together!