Do You Need Lots of Vitamins and Supplements for Vegetarian Diets?

Do You Need Lots of Vitamins and Supplements for Vegetarian Diets?

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 The Most Foolproof Way to get a Complete Array of Vitamins is by Eating Whole Foods

This is true not only for vegetarian diets, for also for vegan and non-vegetarian lifestyles. Various foods provide miscellaneous combinations of vitamins and nutrients found in nature. Taking them together is the best way to give your body the complete set of what it needs.

Consuming nutrient-rich whole foods such as dark leafy vegetables, unprocessed grains, beans and legumes, seeds and nuts are come excellent and affordable options for getting a variety of nutrients. There are many ways to supplement a diet and whole foods are one of the best ways.

Some of the Vitamins Don’t Do You Any Good

Multiple studies show that many vitamin and mineral supplements provide people with a false sense of security but don’t accomplish anything other than that. People typically significantly overestimate the potential benefits of supplements they take.

Recent scientific studies question the effectiveness and need for some of the very popular minerals and vitamins, including vitamin E, vitamin C, and beta-carotene. At the same time, modern studies show that elements such as folic acid can be very beneficial under certain conditions.

Overabundance of Certain Elements Can be Dangerous

For many years scientists have been focusing on the problems associated with vitamin deficiencies and have not been paying enough attention to what happens when there’s an overabundance of certain elements in a human body. Turns out, the behavior of nutrients can change if they are not a part of a package of foods and excessive amounts of certain vitamins and minerals can be as dangerous as their deficiencies.

For example, taking high doses of zinc can interfere with your body’s reserves of copper. This happens because zinc and copper typically interact with each other.

Some Supplements Do Make Sense for Vegetarians

If you are considering becoming a vegetarian, you need to rely on the latest and up-to-date information about minerals and vitamins. The thought that vegetarian diets are inferior and lead to many vitamin deficiencies is an old stereotype that has nothing to do with the modern realities of the vegetarian lifestyle.

However, there are some nutrients that aren’t commonly found in vegetarian diets. Usually, this is true when it comes to vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium, and sometimes DHA. The main goal of supplementation is to fill in the deficiencies in a diet.

Some vegetarians may be also be deficient in zinc. The human body needs zinc for growth and development because it plays an important role in various chemical processes including the creation of new blood and proteins. Some vegetarians may be deficient because zinc is mostly found in meats.

If someone is suggesting you a long list of elements that you need, you should be extremely careful and possibly consult your doctor. Your doctor will always know best what supplements are best for you. 

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