The Benefits of Dog Ownership

While some may wonder about the true benefits of an apple a day, there are also many benefits to having an animal in your life every day. Dog ownership is one of the most rewarding experiences a human being can be part of, and the benefits have been proven time and again. Read on to […]

Simple “Get Organized” Resolutions You Can Stick To

Simple “Get Organized” Resolutions You Can Stick To

Resolutions: we’ve all made them and broken them. One of the most popular New Year Resolutions is “Get Organized.” It’s also one of the most abandoned resolutions as people find it to be an overwhelming task, don’t know where to start, end up getting busy, and just generally fall back into old habits. Last year, […]

Some of the Best Easter Toys That Will Make Your Kids Hop with Joy

Best Easter Toys for All Ages

1. Outdoor Toys I live in an area that has all four seasons, which means by the time Easter comes around I’m dying to get outside after being locked up inside during our cold, snowy winter. Because of this, my go-to toys for Easter are always things that get us playing out of the house. […]

When do Kids Stop Believing in Santa Claus? 150 Real Parents Weigh In.

When do Kids Stop Believing in Santa Claus?

Believing in Santa Claus is a sensitive topic. Even today, when I posted this question to our mommy group, “What age were your kids when they stopped believing in Santa?”, I was scolded very heavily by some parents for ruining the magic for them. They never stopped believing and I should probably stop being a […]

10 Creative Cupcakes for Saint Patrick’s Day

10 Creative Cupcakes for Saint Patrick’s Day

The tricky part of making St. Patrick’s Day desserts is figuring out which flavors go with the color green. If green isn’t an option, then you have to figure out how to make something look ‘Irish’ to someone who isn’t Irish. Cupcakes are a good option because they’re small and flexible; you can try a […]

The Best Fresh Flavored Ice Cubes

The Best Fresh Flavored Ice Cubes

Summer and ice go together like winter and fire. You can survive without them, but it’s not recommended. Ice cream, ice pops, and ice cubes not only help you to cool off, but they’re also great treats to make without heating the kitchen with a hot oven. Flavored ice cubes are especially easy and can […]

Top 10 Things You Can Do to Teach Your Children to Love Good Foods

Make good choices yourself and kids will copy them Children don’t do what you tell them to do. They do what they see you do. This applies to virtually all areas of life, including food. If your child sees you eating natural foods and lots of fruits and vegetables, chances are that he or she […]

7 Design Tips to Beautify & Personalize Your Home Office

Chances are that your home office is one of the least esthetically pleasing rooms in your home. If you are like most homeowners, you probably spent as much time decorating your home office as your utility room. Most people’s utility rooms and home offices have a lot in common: They tend to lack personality Disorder […]

7 Steps to Packing Well for Traveling

7 Steps to Packing Well for Traveling

Having been a Rotary Exchange Student, helped me learn to prepare and love to travel. So, here’s some tips for you: Use a Master Packing List: Start making one now, do a Google search, or use your next trip’s list as a starting point. Using a master packing list will relieve you from having to write everything […]

8 Ideas for X-Ray Upcycling and Recycling

Old X-rays are an interesting beast. Many people don’t want to throw them away, because they are a pretty cool momentum of an accident and a key part of telling the story. However, when they’re just stuffed in a box somewhere they are often hard to find and forgotten about. I’ve always been fascinated by […]