22 Millennial Marketing Tips from a 22-Year-Old

22 Millennial Marketing Tips from a 22 Year Old

Every company cares about one thing: getting more leads. They come up with solution after solution to generate leads and increase revenue. But there’s one highly influential market where companies seem to miss the mark: millennials. Companies, specifically B2B companies, may see marketing to millennials as a waste of time. Millennials aren’t the CEO’s and […]

3 Tips to Take Your Content Creation to Another Level

One of the best ways to grow your community and attract new clients is by creating valuable content that spreads both your vision and your message. The biggest challenge is creating consistent content that is worthwhile. It can be overwhelming to decide where to begin and can often leave you feeling like a deer in […]

Human-to-Human Marketing: Tapping into the Human Experience with Personalization and Emotion

If you’ve heard of human-to-human marketing in the last year, perhaps you instantly equated it to the standard forms of marketing used for years. In the realm of B2C marketing, your tangential understanding of human-to-human marketing perhaps related it to bringing a better sense of customer service. For B2B marketing, maybe you equated the concept to increasing […]

Are You Listening? Going Social Beyond Publishing Content.

Are You Listening? Going Social Beyond Publishing Content.

What do you consider social media marketing? For most businesses and brands, the answer is simple: an opportunity to publish relevant content, grow your follower base, and generate both thought leadership and engagement. But what if we told you that in limiting yourself to this definition, you’re missing out on what might be the most […]

How to Make your Customers Beg for More Content

How to Make your Customers Beg for More Content

In the marketing world, content can sometimes be pushed to the side. Some of your clients may not realize the value content provides. To get clients begging you for content, you must wow them. What’s the secret to wowing? Conversational business writing. Now, don’t get turned off or worried by the word “conversational.” Conversational doesn’t […]

7 Critical Strategies for Inbound Marketing

7 Critical Strategies for Inbound Marketing

The main technique of inbound marketing has to do with setting traps. It’s like a kind of marketing jujitsu. You use the customers’ motivations to bring them into buying from you. You create a need in the fertile soil of customers’ imaginations. You are there where your potential customers are. You become the authority on […]

The Ultimate Content Creation Checklist

The Ultimate Content Creation Checklist

Often times marketers struggle with creating compelling and effective content that will drive traffic, generate leads, and produce sales. Content creation is important because it’s the initial bait that brings in targeted, quality prospects into your lead funnel. So whether through video, blog posts, forums, or articles, your content must do just that: build your […]

Why You Should Write Your Content Creation Plan Down

Why You Should Write Your Content Creation Plan Down

Many businesses talk about content creation verbally, but they never write anything down. While discussing content is a good way to brainstorm and come up with new ideas, it’s not enough to be considered a strategy. To practice content marketing, you need to have a thorough strategy that entails a detailed content schedule. You should have a […]

Using the Authenticity of Personal Referrals in Inbound Marketing

Using the Authenticity of Personal Referrals in Inbound Marketing

To many people, the idea of inbound marketing just seems contradictory.  Isn’t reaching out to customers the very nature of marketing?  Don’t you need to find new people who might be interested in your product or service?  Don’t you have to identify those customers and inform them about the nature of your product or service?  If you […]

6 Ways to a Better and Improved Social Media Marketing Strategy

6 Ways to a Better and Improved Social Media Marketing Strategy

Looking for ways to bolster your social media strategy to increase followers, engage your audience, and drive traffic to your website? Creating a social media marketing plan that aligns with your ultimate business goals is vital to achieving the desired results from your efforts. With social media playing almost as big a role in purchasing […]