13 Ways to Reuse Plastic Milk Jugs

ways to recycle and upcycle diy old milk cartons

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Plastic milk jugs are so common in the U.S. that anything you make with them is free. They’re especially handy to use for homemade crafts and projects for kids since they can be easily replaced if damaged. Some people even use them for their pets to make plastic hides for reptiles or disposable little boxes for ferries and rabbits. For ideas, here are thirteen great ways to upcycle plastic milk jugs.

The Best Ways to Reuse Plastic Milk Jugs

1. Planters for Sowing Seeds in the Winter

via Garden Gate eNotes

sowing seeds in winter planters milk jugs
sowing seeds in winter planters milk jugs

2. Plastic Jewelry

via Twice Creations

MILK JUG pendant - upcycled jewelry
 Dramatic Architectural Chocker ECO Wedding Upcycled milk jug jewelry

3. Skeleton

via Indulgy

recycled milk jug skeleton

4. Giant Igloo

via Surviving a Teacher’s Salary

Igloo Made out of Gallon Jugs Pictures

5. Homemade Toys (Like a Ball Toss)

via Play, Eat, Grow

Play: Homemade Toys - Milk Jug Toss

6. Watering Cans

via A Journey to a Dream… and Dustbowl

gallon jug watering can
A journey to a dream…
sprout watering can milk jug

7. Storm Trooper Helmet

via Filth Wizardry

storm trooper helmet milk jug
storm trooper helmet milk jug

8. Reusable Lunch Container

via Spoonful

 Reusable Lunch Containers milk jug craft

9. Chandelier

via Shoestring Pavilion

milk jug chandelier
Shoestring Pavilion

10. Scooter and Bike Lanterns

via The Imagination Tree

DIY Milk Jug Scooter and Bike Lanterns!

11. Organizers, Especially in Classrooms

via Apartment Therapy

recycled milk jugs

12. Ghost Lanterns for Halloween

via Eighteen 25

Spirit ghost milk jugs lanternsa
Eighteen 25

13. Simple Bird Feeder

via Praedicamentum


Have you ever made anything out of a milk cartoon before? Share with us in the comments below!

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