Study Says Women Are Happier with Uglier Partners

Study Says Women are Happier with Uglier Partners

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According to a recent study, it was found that most women tend to be a lot happier when their partners are less attractive than they are.

Researchers at Florida State University reviewed the relationships of 223 newlyweds, aged 20 to 29, to understand if attractiveness is a factor in overall happiness.

To start, the couples were asked to answer various questions about dieting and getting fit. After that, the respondents were photographed and then tasked to rank each other’s desirability based on face and body attractiveness.

The results revealed women who had attractive husbands are obsessed with losing weight in order to look better, which, they say, makes them insecure and sad. They responded affirmatively to questions like: “I feel extremely guilty after eating,” “I like my stomach to be empty,” and “I’m terrified of gaining weight.”

On the other hand, those who had less attractive husbands didn’t feel any pressure to diet and get fit, which makes a woman happier in the relationship.

Meanwhile, men’s dieting motivations do not depend on their partners’ attractiveness—or lack thereof.

“The results reveal that having a physically attractive husband may have negative consequences for wives, especially if those wives are not particularly attractive,” says head researcher Tania Reynolds.

If you feel that your handsomeness makes your other half unhappy, the researcher advises: “One way to help these women is for partners to be very reaffirming, reminding them, ‘You’re beautiful. I love you at any weight or body type,’” Reynolds shares. “Or perhaps focusing on the ways they are a good romantic partner outside of attractiveness and emphasizing those strengths: ‘I really value you because you’re a kind, smart, and supportive partner.’”

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