Are You Going Through Life on Autopilot?

Are You Going Through Life on Autopilot?

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I feel strongly that many people go through life living unconsciously, wandering around like zombies . . . sleep, wake, eat, work, eat, work, eat . . . repeat.

What would life be like if we stopped for a moment and asked ourselves, “Am I living the life I want?

It’s a dangerous question!

Why? Because what if the answer is “no?” Would we have to do something about it? Would we feel compelled to change something?

Start With Something Small.

Sometimes, especially when you’re a parent, you lose yourself. You start to live for other people and you start doing only what you believe other people expect of you.

Being a parent or spouse shouldn’t mean losing yourself. You should live for yourself as much as you life for your children. So take a moment today and start to think about something you can do or change to start getting yourself off auto-pilot and back to your most authentic self.

Doing something drastic isn’t necessary to live more authentically. It can be as simple as looking at things from a new perspective. If the way we live our life isn’t authentically us, what could change – right now, today?

Maybe it’s as simple as ordering a coffee that’s new, doing that reading you haven’t had time for, taking a walk for lunch, or writing a note to someone from the past.

Getting to the Root of What Matters.

To me, living authentically means listening to that soft whispering voice inside. Listening and watching for inspiration will come if we’re tuned into that deepest part of ourself. Then, creating a home and life that is a reflection of who we truly are. Getting rid of what doesn’t matter and giving honor to what does; isn’t that what life is all about?

So are you living your authentic life? Or are you living life on auto-pilot? Share with us in the comments below.